1. Buy tickets on the Website
Step 1: Visit the website: 5bib.com and log in.
Step 2: Select the event on the homepage, and click [Purchase Ticket] for ongoing events.
Step 3: Choose the ticket type and quantity (the number of tickets and purchase conditions vary according to the event organizer's regulations for each event). Click [Pay Now].
Step 4: Fill in the information:
Buyer information
Athlete information for each ticket.
Check [I have read and agree to the terms of use] box.
Step 5: Choose the payment method: [Onepay] or [VNPay] then click [Payment].
Payment via Onepay uses international payment cards.
Payment via VNPay uses QR code scanning, domestic cards, bank accounts, or VNPay e-wallets.
Step 6: Complete the payment
2. Buy tickets in 5BIB app
Step 1: On the Homepage tab, select [Buy BIB] to start buying tickets.
Step 2: After entering the event, you can select the type and quantity of tickets as instructed.
Step 3.1: After selecting the tickets, fill in the buyer's information and press [Next].
Step 3.2: Fill in the buyer's information, check [I have read and agree to the Terms of use] box, then click [Continue].
Step 4: Enter the participant's information for each ticket then press [Confirm]
Step 5: After completing the participant's information for the tickets, press [Continue].
Step 8: Select a payment method to pay for the order.
Step 9: Enter and apply any promotional code, if available, then click [Pay].
Step 10: You will receive a notification once the payment is successful.